Saturday, October 23, 2010

Paris Lovers: Save the Greenhouses of Auteuil!

Via Delphine, at my blog cousin, ParadisExpress (see Blogroll at right), something you might want to know.......and help with:

The French Tennis Federation, which holds the French Open at Roland Garros Stadium, adjoining these greenhouses (containing rare flowers and 100+ year old orchids), are mounting a campaign to acquire them.  They will either replace them with tennis courts, or close them in, rendering them inaccessible to the public.  Now I like tennis, but I like flowers better!!!!!!  (And where else do you find greenhouses painted that gorgeous color of turquoise?) 

If you feel these beautiful places should remain open and within easy reach of the public, please sign this petition and hurry.  And tell your friends too.  The decision will be made at the beginning of 2011. There is not alot of time.

Meanwhile everyone, have a great weekend!


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